Put Your best Foot Forward at Hickstead

If you are wondering what sort of fancy shoes to wear for the annual extravaganza at Hickstead, aka the Sunshine Tour Championship – here’s a bit of help to decide (we are talking about your horse’s footwear, not yours 😊)


Dressage is run on a surface, with a surfaced warm up. Warm up time on the surface is restricted to 9 horses at a time, which equates to about 20 minutes. Pre-warm up is available on grass or walking around the surfaced horse walks.


Show Jumping and Eventers Challenge are run on a surface, with a surfaced warm up. Time in the surfaced warm up is restricted to the next few horses to compete (number varies according to size of warm up). Pre-warm up is available on grass.


Showing is mainly held in Hickstead’s iconic grass arenas, with warm up also on grass. In some cases, classes may be held on a surface or transferred to a surface if ground conditions are wet.