15th May 2024
Our ‘normal’ show cob championship caters for cobs who are between 148cm and 155cm, and maxi cobs who stand over 155cm tall.
We have now included a championship for show cobs not exceeding 148cm. So, if you have a mini cob who is hogged and trimmed, you can show them in both in-hand and ridden classes.
Do you have a hairy cob? Then you too, have both an in-hand class and a ridden class (same as last year). Our traditional championship is for ANY HEIGHT, shown natural with full mane and tail and feathered legs.
Q: “I have a Welsh Cob, which class do I pick?”
A: None of the cob championships! A Welsh Section D is said to be ‘of cob type’, but these fire-breathing dragons are classed as mountain & moorlands (often referred to as ‘natives’ i.e. a native breed to the UK).
Q: “I have a part-bred cob, I don’t know which class to enter?”
A: Well firstly, a true cob is a type rather than a breed, so it is either a cob or it is not. If you mean a part-bred Welsh Cob, then that is a part-bred native, not a cob!
Q: “My traditional cob is 10hh, is there a class for him?”
A: Yes, traditional cobs can be any height.
Q: “What about coloured cobs?”
A: Buckle up and read on….
Remember we said we would include ‘other coloureds’ for 2024?
This year, our championships will include both in-hand and ridden classes for,
- piebald and skewbald horses exceeding 148cm.
- dun, roan, spotted, palomino and odd-coloured horses exceeding 148cm.
- piebald, skewbald, dun, roan, spotted, palomino and odd-coloured ponies 148cm & under.
Essentially, horses over 148cm will be split into piebald/skewbald and ‘others’, ponies under 148cm will be combined.
As we do not fill in the online forms for you, please check for any errors before submitting them. Unfortunately, misspelt email addresses mean you don’t receive communication from us, and we regularly get messages blaming us for wrongly spelt names….
Our 2024 schedules are being thoroughly proofread and should be published very soon. If you would be interested in running an advert in the schedules with us, do please get in touch via email-